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Hi! I'm Sarah. It's so nice to have you here!

In 2019 my husband and I moved from Vacaville, CA to Fargo, ND...without ever visiting. It was an adventure we would choose again in a heartbeat. While living here, our quality of living has improved drastically. Don't get me wrong, life still manages to throw hurdles our way, but our goals have felt significantly more obtainable.


I'm sure you're curious why we chose Fargo. To make a long story short, my parents moved out here after visiting some family. They loved it and convinced us to follow them! Five months after they moved, we followed suit.


Now, four years later, we have a daughter we get to share life with in this frozen tundra (I kid, I kid...kinda). Winter can be challenging, but there are ways to survive, thrive, and live in harmony with the weather. We have our moments of being desperately over the snow, but I equate that to being desperately over the 100+ degree temps in California.


There is a lot to dive into when it comes to talking about the Fargo/Moorhead area and my goal is to share some resources over time that could help anyone else thinking about relocating. I also plan on sharing fun places to visit throughout North Dakota and Minnesota when we come across them.


I also hope to share some of the things I am passionate about, like my love for Jesus, homemaking, gardening/houseplants, and anything I learn along this adventure called "life". Feel free to watch, listen, and/or read along. I am thankful to have you here!


Thanks for submitting!

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